
How We Support Employees in Countries of Conflict Like Ukraine

During times of crisis, as in Ukraine today, providing stability in an otherwise uncertain situation is the single most helpful thing companies can do.

How We Support Employees in Countries of Conflict Like Ukraine
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The best action employers can take to help staff in Ukraine and other countries impacted by conflict is to protect their jobs and pay them promptly. That's what we're doing at Omnipresent, working alongside our clients to ensure they can provide ongoing support for their team members as and when needed.

In addition to providing stable employment and pay, we’ve organized access to relocation and immigration services to protect the safety and wellbeing of affected team members. We’re also updating our clients with any changes to international regulations to ensure compliance at all times.

While none of our Omnipresent colleagues are currently located in Ukraine, the effects of conflict are wide-reaching, so we continue to offer individualized support to anyone who needs it.

Unfortunately, the people of Ukraine aren’t the only ones suffering; conflict continues to affect millions across the globe. It’s not enough to help just one community, so that’s why Omnipresent is building long-lasting solutions that support people in conflict zones worldwide, now and into the future.

How Can You Support Employees in Ukraine & Beyond?

It's natural to feel overwhelmed in times of conflict, but there are some practical ways you can support the people affected as an employer as well.

First and foremost, you can support current employees in impacted regions by continuing to employ and pay them, even if they’re not able to work at their normal pace or schedule. Reliable access to money is crucial in times of uncertainty.

Offering long-term physical and mental well-being support, such as access to counseling or special paid leave, can also help team members process grief during and after a crisis.

Finally, you can help by actively hiring talent in countries experiencing conflict, where it’s feasible to do so. Today, global work is a possibility for all businesses, and providing employment opportunities to people affected could be the essential lifeline they need.

We Believe in an Interconnected, Peaceful World

Global employment is at the core of what we do. We bring people together from across the world, helping them connect on a human and economic level. We’re deeply saddened by what is happening in Ukraine and around the globe, but we believe the global interconnectedness that Omnipresent advocates for will contribute to a more peaceful world for future generations.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: contact@omnipresent.com.

Guenther Eisinger & Matthew Wilson
Co-CEOs & Co-founders of Omnipresent

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Guenther Eisinger

Second time founder. 10+ years Special Forces officer. Operational and business experience in over 40 countries. Three Master’s Degrees and a PhD. Speaks German and English.

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