What does it take to build and lead a successful remote team? What does a thriving remote or hybrid culture really look and feel like?
While many sources provide tips to work remotely, very few provide guidance on how to lead an organization with a completely remote workforce. In this week's keynote, Freddie Laker, Founding Partner at Chameleon Collective, will discuss the pillars of a great remote workforce and establish why remote companies, in actuality, can have the best cultures. We'll also continue with a panel discussion on outstanding culture and communication, and hear from Paul Bennett, Co-Founder and CEO of PerchPeek, Wayne Turmel, Co-Founder of the Remote Leadership Institute, Rob Catalano, Chief Engagement Officer at WorkTango, and Sami Bouremoum, Co-Founder and CEO of Hofy.
4:00pm - Intro & Keynote - Freddie Laker, Founding Partner @ Chameleon Collective
4:15pm - Winner announcement & presentation
4:45 - Panel discussion - with Paul Bennett, Co-Founder and CEO of PerchPeek, Wayne Turmel, Co-Founder of the Remote Leadership Institute, Rob Catalano, Chief Engagement Officer at WorkTango, and Sami Bouremoum, Co-Founder and CEO of Hofy.
5:15pm - Interactive breakout discussions
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