

Global Employment Solutions & PEO in Canada

Omnipresent makes it fast and easy to employ remote talent in Canada. We take care of payroll, compliance, taxes, and admin so you can focus on growing your business.


Omnipresent Employment Rating

Capital City
Canadian dollar ($, CAD)
English, French
Payroll Frequency
Employment Costs

What You Need to Know About Employing in Canada

Don’t risk non-compliance with local employment, social insurance, and tax regulations.

Select any of the categories below to learn more, and even review our employee cost salary calculator in Canada.

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How it works
Employer Costs
Employee Income Taxes
Employee Social Contributions
Working Hours
Holidays & Vacation
Sick Leave Entitlement
Parental Leave
Annual Leave Entitlement
Severance Pay Entitlement
Employment Cost Calculator

How does Omnipresent Global Employment Solutions work in Canada?

Omnipresent provides global employment solutions and professional employment organisation (PEO) services for companies looking to grow and build out a global team in Canada. Traditional methods of establishing global employment and subsidiaries in Canada typically take months and can incur heavy costs. Omnipresent’s global employment solutions and PEO services is helping hundreds of organisations onboard new employees in Canada in a matter of days with full compliance of local labour laws. We use a tech-forward approach to streamline the process. 

  • Your company conducts the hiring and candidate selection process in Canada.
  • Omnipresent hires the selected candidate through our local professional employment organisation in Canada.
  • We take care of ensuring your new employee is hired in compliance with local labour laws, payroll regulations, benefits and more -- all without needing to set up a subsidiary in Canada.
  • The individual is legally contracted by Omnipresent but assigned to work for your company and reports to a manager or team in your organisation as your full-time employee.
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Employer Costs in Canada

Employer costs include the Canada Pension Plan, Employment Insurance, and Provincial Health Tax. In Quebec, they also include contribution to the QPIP (Quebec Parental Insurance Plan). Use the OmniCalculator to estimate costs, or contact us for further information.


Employee Income Taxes in Canada

Income taxes

15% - 33%.

Canada's federal income tax rates are levied on a progressive scale, with rates ranging from 15% to 33%.


Employee Social Contributions in Canada

Employee Social Contributions

With very few exceptions, every person over the age of 18 who works in Canada outside of Quebec and earns more than a minimum amount (C$3,500 per year) must contribute to the Canada Pension Plan.

Effective for 2024, the CPP contribution rate for employees is 5.95%. Effective starting in 2024, employees are assessed an additional CPP tax rate of 4%. The CPP maximum pensionable earnings applicable for the additional CPP tax rate is C$ 73,200.

Effective for 2024, the QPP base contribution rate for employees is 5.4%.

Employees and employers each are assessed a second additional QPP contribution of 4% on the amount of annual employment income exceeding the original earnings limit and up to an additional earnings limit, also known generally as the QPP additional maximum pensionable earnings.

Effective for 2024, the QPP additional maximum pensionable earnings applicable for second additional contributions is C$73,200.

All employees must contribute Employment Insurance premiums. Effective for 2024, the standard EI tax rate for employees is 1.66% . The EI tax rate for employees who are residents of Quebec is 1.32%

Employees are subject to Quebec Pension Plan and Quebec Parental Insurance Plan contributions if they work in Quebec or are paid from a business location in Quebec.

Quebec employees are assessed a QPIP rate of 0.494%


Working Hours in Canada

Typical Working Hours per Week:

Standard work hours in Canada are generally 8-hour days, or 40 hours per week. Typically the maximum number of hours worked in a week is 48 hours. This can be exceeded in special circumstances including permits, for emergency work, under an averaging plan, or a modified work schedule.

Overtime Laws:

Any hours that exceed standard hours of work are considered overtime hours. Overtime pay in Canada is typically calculated at a higher rate than the regular hourly wage. Overtime laws in Canada are complex and can depend on the specific circumstances and the employee. We are happy to discuss this in more detail for a specific context.


Holidays & Vacation in Canada

Please note that the below information covers national holidays and should be used for informative purposes only and not as a guarantee for payroll purposes. While we strive to offer you accurate information, public holidays are subject to frequent changes and can be dependent on regional differences. Should you need more detailed information on public holidays, please consult the government pages of the state and/or the local municipality of your employee.

  • Monday, Jan 01, 2024 - New Year's Day (Nouvel An)
  • Friday, Mar 29, 2024 - Good Friday (Vendredi saint)
  • Sunday, Mar 31, 2024 - Easter Sunday (Pâques)
  • Monday, May 20, 2024 - Victoria Day (Fête de la Reine)
  • Monday, Jul 01, 2024 - Canada Day (Fête du Canada)
  • Monday, Aug 05, 2024 - Civic Holiday (Premier lundi d’août)
  • Monday, Sep 02, 2024 - Labour Day (Fête du travail)
  • Monday, Sep 30, 2024 - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation)
  • Monday, Oct 14, 2024 - Thanksgiving (Action de grâce)
  • Monday, Nov 11, 2024 - Remembrance Day (Jour du Souvenir)
  • Wednesday, Dec 25, 2024 - Christmas Day (Noël)
  • Thursday, Dec 26, 2024 - Boxing Day (Lendemain de Noël)

Sick Leave Entitlement in Canada

Sick leave varies between the Canadian provinces. At Omnipresent we are well-versed in provincial leave rules and can ensure that your employment contract reflects those requirements. Please contact us for further details.

Parental Leave in Canada

Parental leave (maternity and paternity) varies between the Canadian provinces. At Omnipresent we are well-versed in provincial leave rules and can ensure that your employment contract reflects those requirements. Please contact us for further details.

Annual Leave Entitlement in Canada

The national minimum annual leave entitlement in Canada is two weeks after the first year of employment. Annual leave varies between the Canadian provinces, but none are less than the standard leave amount. Please contact us for further details.

Severance Pay Entitlement in Canada

Employees may be eligible for severance pay, the amount of which depends on their length of service and the province that they are based in.

Termination in Canada

Employees can be terminated with ‘just cause’ or without cause. Termination regulations and procedures depends on the province.

Global Employment Cost Calculator in Canada

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- annual salary
Base Salary
Employer's Costs (Estimate)
Social Security - Unemployment insurance contribution
GBP 695.47
Health Insurance
GBP 695.47
Average Monthly Employer Cost *


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Grow your global team. 
Employ the best talent, anywhere in the world

The benefits of growing a global team and finding the best talent anywhere in the world are endless. It’s important to note that labour laws and regulations in Canada are strict with penalties for non-compliance. Let our team take care of the global payroll solutions, benefits, and administrative tasks, and all other aspects of employment, all while ensuring adherence to global regulatory compliance. That way, you can dedicate your efforts to business growth, knowing that we're here to support you every step of the way.

Want to onboard an international employee today? Get started.

Omnipresent makes it easy to hire, pay, and support your international team with our top-notch services including our global EOR & PEO services. Book a call with us to start building your global team today. Book a call with us to start building your global team today.

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