

Global Employment Solutions & PEO in Thailand

Omnipresent makes it fast and easy to employ remote talent in Thailand. We take care of payroll, compliance, taxes, and admin so you can focus on growing your business.


Omnipresent Employment Rating

Capital City
Thai baht (฿, THB)
Payroll Frequency
Employment Costs

What You Need to Know About Employing in Thailand

Don’t risk non-compliance with local employment, social insurance, and tax regulations.

Select any of the categories below to learn more, and even review our employee cost salary calculator in Thailand.

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How it works
Employer Costs
Employee Income Taxes
Employee Social Contributions
Working Hours
Holidays & Vacation
Sick Leave Entitlement
Parental Leave
Annual Leave Entitlement
Severance Pay Entitlement
Employment Cost Calculator

How does Omnipresent Global Employment Solutions work in Thailand?

Omnipresent provides global employment solutions and professional employment organisation (PEO) services for companies looking to grow and build out a global team in Thailand. Traditional methods of establishing global employment and subsidiaries in Thailand typically take months and can incur heavy costs. Omnipresent’s global employment solutions and PEO services is helping hundreds of organisations onboard new employees in Thailand in a matter of days with full compliance of local labour laws. We use a tech-forward approach to streamline the process. 

  • Your company conducts the hiring and candidate selection process in Thailand.
  • Omnipresent hires the selected candidate through our local professional employment organisation in Thailand.
  • We take care of ensuring your new employee is hired in compliance with local labour laws, payroll regulations, benefits and more -- all without needing to set up a subsidiary in Thailand.
  • The individual is legally contracted by Omnipresent but assigned to work for your company and reports to a manager or team in your organisation as your full-time employee.
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Employer Costs in Thailand

Employer costs include Pension, Health Insurance, and Unemployment. Use the OmniCalculator to estimate costs, or contact us for further information.


Employee Income Taxes in Thailand

The rate of personal taxation varies depending on the income tax bracket the individual belongs to. This ranges between 0% - 35%.


Employee Social Contributions in Thailand

Employee contributions include Pension, Health Insurance, and Unemployment.


Working Hours in Thailand

Standard 48 hours per week.

CBAs may regulate increased weekly hours periods, overtime. Overtime must be compensated.

No overtime pay for managers (check with CBA and level of employment)


Holidays & Vacation in Thailand


Sick Leave Entitlement in Thailand

Sick leave paid up to 30 days.

Parental Leave in Thailand

Maternity leave includes 98 days (payments may depend on agreement with employer). No statutory paternity leave.

Annual Leave Entitlement in Thailand

After 1 full year of consecutive work: paid annual leave of minimum 6 working days. Additional annual leave to be agreed upon by employer/employee.

Additional leaves provided by CBA/law.

Severance Pay Entitlement in Thailand

Severance pay varies according to length of service for dismissals without cause.

Otherwise no severance provided by law.

Termination in Thailand

Terminations heavily regulated. Major blocks for specific categories. Procedural requirements depending on CBA/size/number of dismissals.

Employees who have worked for less than 120 days can be dismissed without cause and are not entitled to receive severance pay.

Global Employment Cost Calculator in Thailand

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- annual salary
Base Salary
Employer's Costs (Estimate)
Social Security - Unemployment insurance contribution
GBP 695.47
Health Insurance
GBP 695.47
Average Monthly Employer Cost *


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Grow your global team. 
Employ the best talent, anywhere in the world

The benefits of growing a global team and finding the best talent anywhere in the world are endless. It’s important to note that labour laws and regulations in Thailand are strict with penalties for non-compliance. Let our team take care of the global employment solutions such as payroll, benefits, compliance, taxes, and admin so you can focus on growing your business. We are here to help you every step of the way.

Want to onboard an international employee today? Get started.

Omnipresent makes it easy to hire, pay, and support your international team with our top-notch services including our global EOR & PEO services. Book a call with us to start building your global team today. Book a call with us to start building your global team today.

Employ Anywhere. Be Omnipresent.

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